Our Baltimore Jiu Jitsu Gym Brings Out Your Best

Martial Arts and Jiu Jitsu Classes In Baltimore, Maryland
Zenyo means best. At Zenyo, we take a different approach to bring out your best at our Baltimore Jiu Jitsu gym.

Best Of Jiu Jitsu

Zenyo is focused on learning Jiu Jitsu, but it is much more than that. We build a pathway to become skilled in anything you pursue. Our revolutionary approach centers on your unique path to strength and confidence. 

At Zenyo, we take a different approach to Jiu Jitsu training. We use the best ideas from continuously developing learning research to guide our practice. What you get is a fun, fast-paced class that brings out the best in each individual.

Zenyo means best use. At Zenyo, we are creating an environment for the best of Jiu Jitsu. The most important rule of Jiu Jitsu is to keep yourself and your partners safe. The goal of all training is to make sure that no one gets hurt.


This attitude leads to the best of training. Everyone is expected to train in a way that fosters a safe and friendly training room at all times.

Best For Every One

Jiu Jitsu is much more than fighting skills. Jiu Jitsu is life skills. There is a philosophy to Jiu Jitsu.


Teaching the tools of Jiu Jitsu, without the philosophy, is both dangerous and irresponsible. Martial arts can build discipline, control, respect, restraint and patience when that is the focus. The philosophy of martial arts—gentleness, mutual welfare and benefit, the best use of physical and mental energy—is indispensable to its training.

At our Baltimore Jiu Jitsu gym, we know that martial arts can create a better world. We fight with each other on the mats, so that we can fight for each other off the mats. We are all one. This is the philosophy of Jiu Jitsu. This is its beauty.

Generations of martial artists have crafted the guidelines we use at Zenyo. Through them, we aim for a higher purpose in training. We strive to be strong, gentle and helpful. 


Ju-No-Ri means “gentleness” or “flowing with things.” The main idea of Ju-No-Ri is that you should not fight against your opponent’s strength but use that to your advantage. Gentleness also teaches us how to apply techniques safely.

Seiryoku Zenyo means “maximum efficiency, minimal effort,” or “best use of physical and mental energy.” When you apply the goal of being gentle with the goal of being strong, you will learn to use the right amount of force – not too much, not too little.

Jita Kyoei means “mutual welfare and benefit.” This means that everyone should benefit from training and learn something in the process. The way to accomplish this is to work to help not just yourself but also your teammates. 

We never do the same old, same old for practice at Zenyo Jiu Jitsu. In this drill, Kevin and Lendy train while keeping a tennis ball constantly moving.The best way to benefit from training is to overload balance, coordination and thinking so that regular training seems easier in comparison.

A Different Approach

Everyone is different and practices Jiu Jitsu in their own unique and different way. 

Different is good. The brain learns more through differences than repetition. This is the key idea behind how we train at Zenyo.

Differential learning is an approach pioneered by Professor Wolfgang Schollhorn of Mainz University that has been used at the elite-level in professional sports.

“The idea is that there is no repetition of drills, no correction and players are encouraged not to think about what has gone wrong if they have made a mistake,” explained Schollhorn, an expert in kinesiology or human movement. (See one of his studies on differential learning.)

Differential learning is a way of playing with variations. The ability to play and make up interesting configurations develops an adaptive, elastic style. Differential learning helps you find unique ways to bring out your best. 

“You have to present new activities that players are not used to doing,” coach Michel Bruyninckx said. “If you repeat exercises too much the brain thinks it knows the answers. By constantly challenging the brain and making use of its plasticity, you discover a world that you thought was never available. Once the brain picks up the challenge, you create new connections and it gives remarkable results.”

At Zenyo, we use these and other ideas from continuously developing learning research to guide our practice. What you get is a fun, fast-paced class that brings out the best in each individual.

Join us at our Baltimore Jiu Jitsu gym to experience the difference. 

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