Jiu Jitsu Training With A Difference

A Different Approach

At Zenyo, we take a different approach to Jiu Jitsu training.

We use the best ideas from continuously developing learning research to guide our practice. What you get is a fun, fast-paced class that brings out the best in each individual.

Zenyo means best. So that is the goal.

In movement science, the idea that one joint directs action and the rest of the body follows is called the leading joint hypothesis. It is being developed by Natalia Dounskaia.

Movements are directed by one joint; the rest support stability and balance, which are challenged by internal and external forces.

As we develop, our skill in managing these challenges gets better. Children fall all the time; adults rarely fall.

The ability to meet the dynamic needs of movement and balance — despite an infinite array of variables — has been called “the bliss of motor abundance.” The idea is being developed by Mark Latash.

Some describe this abundance as “noise,” and seek to remove it as a path to skillful action.

Learning, however, has been shown to be more effective in an environment where “noise” is orchestrated and amplified, rather than removed. This idea is being developed by Wolfgang Schollhorn and is called differential learning. Listen to Inside The Coaches’ Room Podcast with Wolfgang. 

FTW drills — from, to, with — based on differential learning at Zenyo Jiu Jitsu. In this drill, Luis works from guard, to submit, with both hands covering his eyes. FTW drills challenge balance, coordination, and creativity much more so than regular training. 

Learning Guided By Research

We combine these ideas and elements in our Jiu Jitsu training at Zenyo.

The Leading Joint Hypothesis leads to fun ways to direct movement. Any joint can lead movement. Any joint can support balance.

The bliss of motor abundance leads to free expression in movement and balance. There is no one right way. There are many ways.

Differential Learning leads to training always being different and creative to better cope in a noisy environment.

In this drill, Lendy works from top, to pass, with one hand pointing to the ceiling.

Jiu Jitsu With A Difference

Putting this all together, we get a style of training that research shows is more effective than either traditional or discovery-based learning.

That’s because our brains respond best to creativity, variety and differences.

Join us at Zenyo Jiu Jitsu to experience the difference.

In this drill, Ayden works from a position of his choice, to submit, with both hands on a ball. Working with a ball challenges stability, balance and coordination. 

Kids Jiu Jitsu Training

Power Of Difference

How children develop their own unique ability through individualized training.

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